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02 6361 9511


9 Colliers Avenue, Orange NSW 2800

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Past Programs

From 2003 to date, Birrang has provided services for Aboriginal and Disadvantaged people in regional and remote NSW some of our experience includes;

Bourke Family Focussed

Gawimarra Burrany Ngurung, Picking Up the Pieces: The Birrang Intensive Family-focused Case Management and Support Model

The Third Action Plan of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022 includes $25 million for Indigenous specific activities to address family violence in Indigenous communities.

“Indigenous women are 34 times more likely to be hospitalised because of family violence than non-Indigenous women. Indigenous children are more than five times more likely than non-Indigenous children to be hospitalised for assault and eight times more likely to experience child abuse or neglect,” Minister Scullion, 28 October 2016

This Bourke based program is a direct response to the challenge set by Minister Scullion to address these shocking statistics of violence in Indigenous communities highlighted as a national priority under the Third Action Plan of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022. The specific strategies will focus on the provision of intensive family-focused case management to address behaviours that lead to family violence.

The family violence outcomes that this service aims to achieve are to reduce the violence in the community and the family, reduce the number of children who are being placed in out of home care due to family violence, improve family functionality, cause behavioural changes in the perpetrator and to assist the family in overcoming the impact of the trauma.

Download Media Release '$1.5m to reduce family violence in Bourke' PDF.


Save Our sisters, Save Our Sons Youth Program


This program helps to reconnect Youth to community, school or education and for some, develop employment pathways. The program will provide the support and tools required for the youth to make positive life choices, improve their own wellbeing, resilience and reduce their involvement in the anti-social or violent behaviours.

Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP)

Birrang was a provider of the Australian Government’s CDEP program, which “helps Indigenous job seekers to gain the skills, training and capabilities needed to find sustainable employment”.

From 2003-2013 Birrang provided CDEP program services under a series of funding agreements with the Australian Government. Program specifications: 360 individual job seekers supported in the following communities across regional and remote NSW: Alice Edwards Village (2008-13), Bourke (2008-13), Brewarrina (2009-13), Cobar (2008), Enngonia (2009-13) and Weilmoringle (2009-13).

Indigenous Employment Program (IEP)

Birrang has a Deed of Standing Offer with the Australian Government as a member of IEP’s 2012-2015 Employment Panel and 2012-2015 Economic Development and Business Support Panel. The Indigenous Employment Program provides support for “employers, businesses and other organisations for activities or projects that help increase employment outcomes and economic participation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people”.

Since 2013 Birrang has focused increasingly on community education, training and employment support, whilst retaining its membership of the IEP Panels.

New Careers for Aboriginal People (NCAP)

Birrang was a provider of the NSW Government’s NCAP program, which “aims to increase the participation of Aboriginal people in the labour market by identifying, creating and supporting opportunities for sustainable education, training and employment”.


Keys2drive is a revolutionary approach to learning road safety and the free driving lesson is an opportunity for the learner driver, driving instructor and parent/supervisor to learn it together.

What Happens in the Free Lesson?

The free lesson goes for 60 minutes, during which the Keys2drive accredited driving instructor will explain the Keys2drive learning approach – ‘Find Your Own Way’ – and offer examples of how it can be used when learning to drive. The remaining lesson time can include a practical demonstration of these skills being used and taught, or can be used to explain the coaching approach in more detail – whatever will be most helpful to you.

The Keys2drive free lesson is not intended to replace normal driving lessons; rather, it should complement them by empowering learner drivers to ‘Find Their Own Way’ to becoming safer drivers.

Learner drivers will receive training in the best ways to practice, helping them gain the confidence they need to prepare for safe P plate driving and beyond.

Parents/supervisors will come away with tools to help their learner drivers achieve a good foundation for lifelong safe driving.

Contact us today on 02 6361 9511 to register for your FREE driving lesson today.

The Australian Government has advised that the Keys 2 Drive program will conclude and cease as of the 30th of June 2023.